Are you using old office products?
Microsoft is changing support for Office products is it time that your business updates to newer software?
Microsoft is changing support for Office products is it time that your business updates to newer software?
Windows 10 users running the 64-bit edition of the OS now have access to two different "builds" of the still-under-construction browser.
So, what is a website anyway? In its simplest form, a website is a domain address which has a variety of different pages ‘webbing’ from it. It’s a blank space on the internet which you can fill with content specific to yourself, your business or even your cat… if you really wanted to.
Coffee. A simple pleasure that makes the working week that bit more manageable. In fact, a whopping 65% of workers drink coffee in their workplace. For those 65%, it can total to an average of 3 cups a day which most say they couldn’t live without. So, more likely than not, your employees will fall within these statistics, and with rising prices from coffee giants like Costa and Starbucks, it should be within your best interest to help your employees, and save them some money by providing free coffee in the workplace.
Traditionally, companies would have to buy numerous printers, scanners and photocopiers for different departments, and more often than not for individual office rooms as well. Once these were installed, it would usually be the IT department who would take responsibility for the upkeep of these machines, including ordering ink, toner and cartridges. They would also need to ensure that the software is up to date and the printer hardware is maintained to the highest of standards. This can take time and effort that sometimes an internal IT department cannot consistently commit to.
We just wanted to remind you about the Samsung Smart Multi-function Xpress4 machines. Not only are these machines great value for money but they have a wealth of fantastic SMART features that enable you to save both time and money
We have some fantastic deals that we have recently secured in partnership with Samsung, one of our main copier suppliers.
Printing and photocopying can cost businesses an excessive amount of money each year if they do not monitor and control their usage, across different users and departments.
Getting an upgrade to your work laptop can seem like more hassle than it's worth. There might be sign off required, you’ll need to back up and transfer your files and the thought of potentially having to learn a new operating system can make it seem like a new laptop isn’t worthwhile. However if you’re running on a laptop that’s a few years old then you’re running on an outdated machine. For efficiency, power and enhanced features it’s definitely worth considering upgrading your work laptop. Here are eight reasons why...
Find out how we can dramatically reduce your annual office printing costs with our document management solutions.
Entry-level production printers with convincing profiles