Free coffee in the workplace? Here's why you should consider it.

Coffee. A simple pleasure that makes the working week that bit more manageable. In fact, a whopping 65% of workers drink coffee in their workplace. For those 65%, it can total to an average of 3 cups a day which most say they couldn’t live without. So, more likely than not, your employees will fall within these statistics, and with rising prices from coffee giants like Costa and Starbucks, it should be within your best interest to help your employees, and save them some money by providing free coffee in the workplace.

6years | Technology News

A Beginner's Guide to VoIP

So, what do we know about Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP for short? In basic terms, VoIP refers to making phone calls over the internet instead of through a traditional phone line. The system works by taking the signals and tones within your voice, then converting them into data which crosses seamlessly across your broadband connection. Dependant on your provider, this means you won’t have to pay for how long your calls are; or even who you’re calling - regardless of where they are in the world, because it’s all included in one seamless phone bundle. Sounds pretty smart, doesn’t it? Well, it is! AND it could save you money too - Bonus! Plus, the person you’re calling doesn’t necessarily need to be using VoIP, the system will convert signals for compatibility with regular telephones too.

6years | Telecoms

5 Reasons Why Remote Working Could Benefit Your Business

It’s estimated that the number of people remote working within the UK has risen to almost 1.5 million. Changing attitudes and advancing technological network capabilities have facilitated this growth, with the upward streak set to continue over the next 3 years. Statistics now suggest that by 2020, 50% of the UK’s workforce will be working remotely. That’s right, 50%! So, we wanted to give you the lowdown on how remote working could benefit you and your workforce.

6years | Technology News